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Storyboards & Animatics

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One Raccoon's Trash

Here is the animatic I made for my senior thesis. The premise is about a raccoon that keeps getting fired from his day jobs and does not have enough money to pay for his rent. Will be be able to find the money?

Cheat Like Rats

Cheat Like Rats

The premise of this sequence is set around two brother dogs, named Winston and Marco. After their family farm is threatened with foreclosure they head to The Big Apple, to find their successful father and ask for his help financially. After the father declines they are low on funds, and cannot afford two bus tickets home. While sitting in Central Park, shady characters try to deceive them and take what's left of what they have. 

Go Live

The premise of this sequence is based off a personal experience of mine. In mid 2021, I started live streaming games on the internet. It was a big step out of my comfort zone, and at first I felt discouraged. Bots trying to sell views and followers filled my chat box on my first day of streaming. Through perseverance and dedication, I managed to build a community and make new friends through consistently streaming, and producing engaging content for my viewers. 

Rabbit and Cater

This animatic is a clip of a longer personal project I completed. The plot to this animatic follows two life long friends named Rabbit and Cater. Cater has a dream of living in Paris, the city of art, and envies the birds that do not have to pay airfares. His friend Rabbit teaches him about messages called "positive affirmations" to help his dreams become a reality. 

The inspiration for this piece came from my daily routine. Every morning when I get ready to start my day, I always be sure to look into the mirror, and speak positive messages to myself. It gives me the opportunity to start my day with a great attitude, and the motivation to do the best job I can. 


If you would like to watch the full 13 minute animatic, check it out on my Vimeo page here

© 2022 by Gina Vaccaro

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